Saturday, June 18, 2011

#57- Protective Glasses


That is the sweet sound of protective eye glasses keeping a piece of bark from destroying my left eye. Trust me I would know. That very thing happened to me a few days ago as the weed whacker I was using flung a piece of stray bark up at me, aiming for my eye with its devious bark mind.

But I still have my sight in both eyes and that is thanks to the protective glasses my work provided me with. And this particular pair of glasses act as sunglasses as well, so I can be shielded from the sun, be protected and look cool and mysterious all the same time.

What is there not to love in that equation?

It's also good to know that employers care about the safety of their employees, or at least about their eye sight. Maybe their only concerned about me being able to see well enough to get the job done, but that works for me, and besides I think my boss generally cares about my well being.

So I am grateful for protective glasses. I am grateful for the multiple layers of practicality and fashion appeal they have (although what do I know about the latest in eye gear). I am grateful they save me from injury and allow me to look around at all the wonders this world has for at least another day. I am grateful for the employers who care enough about safety to provide people with the right stuff for the job. And I am grateful that the glasses held off the bark and its bite.  

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