Friday, May 27, 2011

#55- Geese by the Highway

I've been working at a local Staples, pulling the overnight shift and helping with renovations to the store, which isn't always the most interesting work as you may have guessed. Ink cartridges and multi-coloured Post-its can only captivate a guy for so long. 

One day (morning? night?) I was throwing out the garbage into the dumpster behind the store when I noticed a Canadian goose on the grass a few feet away. It was staring through the fence at the cars passing by on the highway at and stayed that way for a good ten minutes before walking off. 

This was the most amusing part of my day, which may tell you something about the excitement factor of my job. It was kind of comical to see a goose taking in the cars rushing by as if it was wondering what those big, noisy metal things were and how they were going so fast. Or maybe it was wondering what had happened to its favourite patch of grass, it having been taken over by a huge strip of cement.

It was like a distinguished researcher studying the curiosities of humans instead of the other way around and it was pretty funny and thought-provoking to see the tables turned for once.   

So I am grateful for geese by the highway. I am grateful that this great bird was there that day to put even the slightest cheer in me. I am grateful that a sight so simple, but so out of the ordinary, can lead to so many different thoughts and ideas as this picture of a goose looking out onto the highway did. And who knows, maybe this one goose will decide to take a car down south this winter, all because of its experience behind a Staples.

1 comment:

  1. What were you doing watching the goose for 10 minutes! Shouldn't you have been working?
