A couple weeks ago I was walking along the Rideau Canal and to keep my eyes and mind off what was potentially floating belly up in the water a few metres from me I set my eyes upon the thousands of dandelions that stretched as far as the eye could see.
Let me tell you, it was a beautiful sight.
Yes, dandelions are weeds, but they are not the putrid green, hand pricking, soul-sucking weeds that seem to ruin your every attempt to grow a small backyard herb garden, but nice yellow sprouts lining the various paths you walk on to work or school or a Sunday evening jaunt.
Sure they have their downsides, just ask people with allergies. But at least they are nice to look at, even if you have to take your eyes off of them for a few seconds to sneeze.
To borrow a quote about another, more loved plant: "You can complain because roses have thorns or rejoice because thorns have roses."
In other words, focus more on the positives of dandelions, the beauty, the good luck they bring when you blow their seeds into the wind, etc., rather than the negatives because as much as you try, they are always going to be around.
So I am grateful for dandelions. I am grateful for the splash of amazing colour they bring to any landscape. I am grateful they defy the normal perception of a weed as awful and harsh. And I am grateful that they stand as testament to a very important lesson I have learned in my life; focus on the good in everything rather than dwelling on any of the negatives that are bound to pop up and it'll brighten your day even when it's cloudy out.
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