Thursday, March 10, 2011

#4- Exhaustion

Yesterday, when I fell into bed, I was exhausted. And I loved it.

I was so tired I slept like a hibernating bear after a glass of 2% warm milk. Not many things make me feel more content than this. 

My muscles knew I had gone around many different places yesterday, seeing things I needed to see and wanted to see.

My brain knew I had pushed it, forcing it to participate in lively debates, listen to complex ideas and filter passionate speeches all the while learning new things.

And when I plunked down into my soft sheets last night both my body and mind knew it was time to punch out after a good, productive days work and start dreaming about playing baseball in the mud (yes this is actually what I dreamt about). 

And all this because exhaustion had set it. It is like the body's way of saying "you did a lot today, be happy, but remember how this feels so you can do as much tomorrow too."

It's the feeling you have after a great run, a well done exam or a successfully planned event to name just a few scenarios and it feels awesome.  

And that is why I am grateful for this amazing biological trait we all possess, the ability to become exhausted.     

1 comment:

  1. Good one! I've never thought about it like that before. Also, you have the craziest dreams haha. Can't wait to hear more about this one...
