In the midst of the devastation in Japan after the magnitude 8.9 eartthquake, stories of humanity at its best have and will continue to emerge.
Rescue and aid workers throughout the country will spend day and night searching for the missing and helping those who have lost every put their lives back together.
People from all over the world are mobilizing, setting out to help the efforts in Japan, where the threat of after shocks still loom.
It is these people, from Japan and all corners of the world, that I am grateful for. They help and ask nothing in return. They are normal people whos homes have been destroyed, helping the army or aid workers in the effort. They are the brave and the selfless.
And so I am grateful for these people. And it is not just because they are doing beyond-great things, but also because it reminds me that for all the wars and the greed and the prejudice in the world, what most people want is to help their fellow human.
Very true!