Two things made me smile when I walked out my door this morning, the warmth of the sun and the singing of the birds.
The birds were so happy about the warm weather that they were telling the world about it. It made me think that if the birds are happy then why shouldn't I?
Singing is something full of passion, of uniqueness, self expression, liveliness and fun. For birds, all this is fit beautifully into their language. Think about that, birds are such optimistic creatures that their communication is based on something that breaths life into some of the greatest moments of our lives; singing.
It is these birds, with their songs, that make me remember to slow down and look around, smell the fresh spring air and keep things like essays and bills in perspective.
There is a quote in Bible that goes like this, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" When I hear the birds singing, I think of this passage and how happy the birds are and that no matter how desperate things seem at times, I will get through life just fine with hard work and the people I love.
So I am grateful for birds and their songs. I have heard a lot of different music in my short lifetime, but none is more organic than those of the birds that sit outside my house every day. Their chirping reminds me of the good things in life and to keep the troubles I have in perspective. And I am grateful that I don't even have turn on my radio to hear some great songs, I can just walk out my door and open my ears to the birds.
very nice!