Tuesday, April 5, 2011

#30- Socks

After 30 posts in the last 30 days and writing 2 essays over the last 72 hours I am experiencing some form of writer fatigue. That's why I am going to express my love for socks in poem. Here it goes.

I woke up this morning feeling fit as a fiddle
My sleep was good at the start, the end and the middle
I was feeling quite well, I was feeling quite bold
Except there was one problem, my feet were quite cold

I dashed across the room to my fake wooden drawer
I rifled through my clothes to find what I was looking for
I threw all my garments aside in a rush
For my toes were so naked they were starting to blush

I finally found them and grinned real big
I was so excited, I danced a small jig
I screamed real loud, "This really rocks!"
Cause I had just found my big pile of socks.

But which do I wear, which do I choose
Which do I want, which pair should I use?
Is it the white ones, the green ones, the one with toes
The wool ones, the fancy ones the ones with the nose?

So many to chose from, so many decisions
I don't want to be wrong and have to make some revisions
I hummed and I hawed and hummed one time more
While my cold feet asked, "what the heck are you waiting for?!"

It suddenly came to me, I know the just the pair
To cover my feet that are shivering and bare.
The ones with the doodads, the pom poms and fuzz
They are the warmest socks that there is and ever was.

So I snatched them up and put them on fast
Quickly forgetting how cold it was in the past
And I smiled and gave one big happy sigh
Cause with my comfy socks I am one lucky guy

So I am so grateful for the socks that I own
Their importance to me can not be overblown
They keep me so warm, so comfy, so dry
They make being happy as easy as pie

I am grateful for the all the people who make
The socks that I have, someone should bake them a cake
I am so grateful there are so many different kinds
So people can chose and make up the own minds.

And one last word as I finish my rhymes
Next time you put on socks think of the times
When your toes have needed them to stay content
And that will be a few seconds very well spent.

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