Saturday, May 14, 2011

#52- Lemon Meringue Pie

Let's get something straight right away; I do not like lemon meringue pie at all. The meringue part is pretty good and of course the pie part is great, but the lemon section is what turns me off of the whole thing. Despite this distaste for the pie, I'm still very thankful there is such a thing.

This week, I went to Ottawa to visit my girlfriend Kelsey for her birthday and we made a big dinner for the occasion. The one thing Kelsey really wanted for her birthday dinner was lemon meringue pie and so we scooped up the last one at the store.

After taking the first bite of the pie, Kelsey smiled and I could tell this simple joy of lemon meringue pie had made a great moment and I was happy, although it may not have looked like it as the sourness of the pie puckered my lips.

So I am grateful for lemon meringue pie. I am grateful that it could bring joy and sweetness and a happy ending to a day to someone, even if it wasn't me. I am grateful that people have different tastes all around the world because that's what makes life interesting. And I am grateful that making someone smile can be as easy as pie. 

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