Sunday, March 13, 2011

#7- Wireless Internet

I am writing this post because of the marvels of technology.

I am currently on a train from Ottawa to Toronto, using the wireless internet onboard and I am loving it. In this age where attention spans are becoming an endangered species the regular options for activities on a train will keep me busy for about a quarter of the trip.

Don't get me wrong, I can read a good for hours and sleeping is one of my favourite hobbies. Unfortunatley, all the books I have in my bag right now have titles rivaled only by the letters following the authors name in length. As for sleeping, it just never seems to work for me on a train. 

So I am grateful I can use the wireless internet to do productive things like catch up on the news or plan a group assignment through email. If I'm feeling especially motivated I can even peruse Facebook for hours on end or watch Youtube videos of a baby monkey riding on the back of a pig. Those are the wonders of having wireless internet and I am very grateful for them.   

1 comment:

  1. You're going back to Toronto already?!
    "Baby monkey, baby monkey, riding on a pig baby monkey!" Hahaha
